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Showing posts from December, 2017

12 Questions That Brings You To Reveal Your Unique Styles

How do we uncover our personal style? There are two ways you can go when it comes to personal style. Either well-curated or diverse. Many said that they are frustrated where to draw their line and be confidence on their own style, and to save time and money when shopping for the closet. Whether our style is 'Niched and Narrowed' or 'Vast and Varied', let's get started to map out the style that are all our own by answering these questions: 1. Who are some of the celebrities whose -ESSENCE- you resonate with? their Energy, personality, You on your best day, secret alter Ego 2. Whose -Closet- would you love to raid? Celebrity or Friend, instantly have 50% of What they own. 3. What are the -CITIES- that best represents your style? It can be a city that we never even travelled to, or a vague idea e.g. a mountain town on a river. 4. How do you want to -FEEL- when you walk out the front door in the morning? 5. How do you want to -FEEL- when you...

Beautiful Phrases inspired Beautiful Art! Let's take the Challenge!

 Music Let's take a challenge: Use your skill in the art, whatever it is, could be painting, photography, could be drawing, could be music composing, poem, dance, calligraphy, you named it. All you need to do is to illustrate with art the title of these ten phrases. If you may, use each title for each week until the 10th week.  Painting Ready? I will join you! 1) Ich atme tief durch und akzeptiere diesen Moment I take a deep breath and accept this momen 2) Ich erschaffe Reichlichkeit aus meinem Herzen  I create abundance from my heart 3) Ich fühle mich zu Hause im Tempel meines Herzens I feel at home in the temple of my heart 4) Ich atme Licht und empfange in meinem Herzen I breathe light and receive in my heart 5) Ich bin dankbar für alles Positive in meinem Leben I am grateful for everything positive in my life 6) Liebe strahlt aus meinem Herzen Love radiates from my heart 7) Ich habe einen warme Verbindung mit meinem inneren Kind I ha...