The significance of social and emotional development is seen in every area of a child's life. A child will have a strong foundation for later development if he or she can manage personal feelings, understand others' feelings and needs, and interact positively with others.
Differences in social and emotional development result from
a child's inborn temperament, cultural influences, disabilities, behaviors modeled by adults, the level of security felt in a child's relationships with adults, and the opportunities provided for social interaction.
a child's inborn temperament, cultural influences, disabilities, behaviors modeled by adults, the level of security felt in a child's relationships with adults, and the opportunities provided for social interaction.
As a child, many of us grow up having no one notices enough what we are feeling or what we need, we receive covert messages that are never stated outright, but which will nevertheless guide our lives going forward. Growing up in an emotionally neglectful household (Childhood Emotional Neglect, or CEN) takes its toll on us.
The Consequences of Unhealthy Emotional Grown
Silent, unintended, usually invisible, these messages take root early and well.
- As we go through adolescence, they undermine the self-confidence and self-knowledge we should be gathering.
- As we grow into adulthood, they prevent us from making the choices that are right for us.
- As we form relationships and fall in love, they prevent us from valuing ourselves.
- As we have children and raise them, they weigh us down and leave us feeling mystified about what we are missing and why.
The only way to reduce their power over us is to realize they are there and how we got them, and to make a conscious choice to stop letting them hold us back and push us down.
The Way Towards Healthy Emotional Lives
Here are 10 ideas that reverse the wrong lessons many of us who grow up in an emotionally neglectful household learned early on.
Healthy idea:
"The truth is that strong feelings connect us to ourselves and to each other."
Wrong Lessons:
"It's not good to be too happy or too sad."
As a child, you naturally had intense feelings, as this is how all children are wired. Exuberant one moment, intensely frustrated the next, you needed someone to teach you how to understand and manage your emotions. But what you got instead was a covert message that your emotions were excessive. What you learned was to dampen your feelings, not the skills you needed to manage them.
Healthy idea:
"The truth is that being able to have strong feelings is a sign of health and strength."
Wrong Lessons:
"You are overly sensitive."
As a child, you naturally felt upset when things upset you. You naturally felt angry when you were hurt. What you needed was to have your upset feelings soothed by a loving parent so that you could learn how to soothe yourself. But what you got was a message that your feelings were a weakness. What you learned was to judge yourself for having them.
Healthy idea:
"The truth is that knowing your own needs and preferences and expressing them is a key to living a happy, fulfilled life."
Wrong Lessons:
"Your needs and preferences are irrelevant."
As a child, you had needs, just as all children do. You had things that felt important to you, and things that felt good or bad to you. What you needed was for someone to notice, or to ask what you needed or wanted, so that you would feel that you mattered. When no one asked you enough, you learned instead that you don't.
Healthy idea:
"The truth is that talking about your problems helps you solve them."
Wrong Lessons:
"Talking about a problem will unnecessarily burden other people."
Growing up, you had problems with school, with siblings and with friends. What you needed was to know that you could talk to a parent, but instead, you knew that they, for whatever reason, could not handle it. What you learned was that others couldn't handle your problems, and so you'd best keep it to yourself.
Healthy idea:
"The truth is that crying is a healthy way of coping."
Wrong Lessons:
"Crying is a weakness."
All humans cry, and for a reason. Crying is a way to release and process your emotions. As a child, you cried sometimes (maybe often). What you needed was for this to be okay. Instead, your family didn't know that crying has a purpose, so they ignored your tears or shamed you for having them. Perhaps they never showed tears themselves. You learned that crying is negative and should be avoided.
Healthy idea:
"The truth is that letting others see your feelings helps them know you better."
Wrong Lessons:
"Others will judge you for showing your feelings."
Were you judged for showing feelings in your childhood home? This powerful message has been carried forth with you. "Hide your emotions from others" is the message, "or others will think less of you." Or worse, they will use your feelings against you.
Healthy idea:
"The truth is that anger is an important message from your body that empowers you."
Wrong Lessons:
"Anger is a negative emotion and should be avoided."
As a child, of course, you often felt angry, as this feeling is a natural part of life. As a child, what you needed was the help to name, understand and manage your anger. Perhaps instead your anger was squelched or overwhelmed by another's. Maybe you were punished for showing it. What you learned was that anger is bad and that you should suppress it.
Healthy idea:
"The truth is that mutual dependence is a form of teamwork that makes you stronger."
Wrong Lessons:
"Relying on another is setting yourself up for disappointment."
Children need help, period. So do adolescents and adults. As a child, you needed support, direction, suggestions and assistance. But you could see that your parents were not up to that. What you learned was that it is best not to ask for help in general because you are setting yourself up for a letdown.
Healthy idea:
"The truth is that what you have to say is important, and you should say it."
Wrong Lessons:
"Others are not interested in what you have to say."
As a young child, you had endless wonder at the world around you. As you grew, you had endless things that you wanted and needed to ask and say. Yet talking was not valued in your family and you were not asked or listened to enough. What you learned is that your questions and words are not valuable and that you should keep them to yourself.
Healthy idea:
"The truth is that you are human. You are connected, you are important. You are not, in fact, by any stretch, alone."
Wrong Lessons:
"You are alone in the world."
As a child, you needed to feel that an adult had your back; that no matter what happened, there was support and help for you. Instead, when you needed something you discovered that your adult(s) were busy, overwhelmed or not aware. What you learned was that you were all alone.
It is very important to match the truth and reality to regenerate healthy ideas for replacement of these inherited lessons in grew up processes. These old lessons all seem so real and so true when we grew up receiving them in such a subliminal, global way. But do not forget that they are merely lessons of our family, not truths.
The fact that we learned them does not make them right or truth.
May all be guided towards healthy emotional grow and be directed to healthy emotional processes in the daily lives.
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