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Affordable Living in Siem Reap, Cambodia: A Complete Cost Breakdown #SiemReapLiving #CambodiaCostOfLiving #AffordableTravel #ExpatLife #LivingInCambodia #SiemReapTips #TravelBudget

  COST OF LIVING IN SIEM REAP, CAMBODIA  ORIGINAL Record of real lives expenses : Gourmet Coffee: $1.25 (£1.01, €1.15, R23.31) Meal: $1–$3 (£0.81–£2.43, €0.92–€2.76, R18.65–R55.95) Monthly Apartment Rental: $210 (£170.10, €193.20, R3,916.50) (Studio apartment with gym and pool. Water, electricity, and WiFi included. Price would be lower for a longer lease) Tuk Tuk Taxi: $1–$3 for most trips (£0.81–£2.43, €0.92–€2.76, R18.65–R55.95) 1kg Mango: $1 (£0.81, €0.92, R18.65) 1kg Dragonfruit: $0.75 (£0.61, €0.69, R13.99) 1kg Jackfruit: $2 (£1.62, €1.84, R37.30) Haircut: $1.75 (£1.42, €1.61, R32.64) Hygienist: $10–$20 (£8.10–£16.20, €9.20–€18.40, R186.50–R373.00) Physiotherapist: $20 (£16.20, €18.40, R373.00) *Electricity bill : About $20 a month (without using AC) Around $60 a month, $100 in the hot season (with 2 AC units in a three story house) *Note: Electricity is varies depends on weather the use Air Conditioning (AC) is included. To calculate a month's expenses in Cambodia ...
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